10 Things That Make My Life Easier As A Toddler Mom

10 Things That Make My Life Easier As A Toddler Mom

Parenthood is hard. And from what I have heard, the toddler years are high up on the list of “the years that will test you.” I’m not sure what age range defines toddlerhood, but I am going to go ahead and say that it is any period of time where your child is fiercely independent and simultaneously thinks putting beads up their nose is a sound decision.

We have found a few things to make parenting toddlers a little bit easier. Here is the list:

 * Not on the list, but honorable mentions include: coffee, wine, date nights. and grandparents.

1. Google nest mini:

Need to stop your toddler’s professional stall tactics? Use this to set a timer. Have a baby on your hip and your other hand on dinner ingredients? Use this to set a timer. Does your toddler have multiple song requests every day? Use this to play them. 

2. Magnetic cabinet locks and keys:

You can keep your kitchen free of plastic locks on the outside of the cabinet doors and keep your toddler out of cabinets that they shouldn’t be opening.

3. Step stools:

These cheap step stools can be moved all over the house. They don’t take up as much space as a toddler tower, they can be used in any room, and they come in a pack of two (if you have two toddlers that share the favorite word “mine”).

4. Blackout window solution:

These blackover window covers can be hidden easily under whatever window treatments you have. They can also let daylight in during hte day, so that your baby or toddler’s room can be dark without feeling like a cave during the day.

5. Tiny bath robes:

These have freed up my hands post bath to manage my toddlers that turn into wild animals right around 7:00 PM. And they are really cute.

6. Toddler toilet seat:

No more clunky toilet seat inserts for the toddler’s tiny butt and no more dumping of the tiny potty (once they are ready to be done with that). And when it’s closed, it just looks like a regular toilet.

7. Bed bumpers:

This keeps your toddler from falling out of bed and most nights, Maeve uses it as a pillow because of how comfortable it is. It has grippers on the bottom, so it stays put right under the fitted sheet. 

8. Slumberpod:

This amazing invention is a little tent that slides over a pack n play to create a dark room for your baby or toddler when traveling. At first I thought it was over the top, but then I quickly realized it is very worth it so everyone can get sleep in a shared room on vacation.

9. Stain remover spray:

The bottle might as well be filled with magic, because this seriously gets all stains out. Berries? Popsicles? On that cute new little outfit you bought for your kid (or yourself)? No worries because this stuff will get it out.

10. Bedtime tokens:

I am pretty sure all kids go through a phase where they get out of bed approximately one million times after tucking them in. We started giving our four year old “bedtime tokens” made out of construction paper at bedtime every night. If she gets out of bed, we take a token. If she still has a token in the morning, she gets to watch a show. We give two tokens so that she gets a second chance.