Ways To Help A Friend With A New Baby

Ways To Help A Friend With A New Baby

Every new mom will want to do things a little differently when it comes to visitors and the first days/weeks at home with their baby. This makes sense, since we are all different people with our own personalities and different things that make us feel at ease.

For me, it felt great to have people in and out of my house visiting all the time. I loved being surrounded by the people that I love because it made me feel like myself after such a big change. I don’t love naps (I know, I know) so I would rather catch up with a friend over coffee while they got some snuggles in.

I have had friends who wanted to just be in their own newborn bubble, with very few visitors, and other friends that were like get over here right now. Either way, I can confidently say that the best way to be there for your friend with a new baby is to check in. Ask how they are and if they need anything. If they want you to come over, just sit there and talk about whatever comes up and offer them water or a glass of wine. Here are some ideas to help:

For the friend that wants some space:

  • Send an amazon package with a few things for mom (not the baby - the baby already had a shower)

  • Send texts that you are thinking of them, or call!

  • Send a Starbucks gift card

  • Drop off dinner on their porch or drop off a bag of all their favorite snacks!

For the friend that wants you over to their house ASAP:

  • Bring a coffee if it is daytime, and dinner and/or wine if it is night time

  • Sit on the couch and listen to them!

  • Hold the baby and offer to feed them if they take a bottle

  • Offer to walk the dog or unload the dishwasher

If you are a new mom and hate asking for help (hi that was me), put a list on your fridge titled “Ways You Can Help”. Put things on here that you don’t want to ask for, but people can see if they are over. This is even great for grandparents.