Things I Bought In May

Things I Bought In May

May is one of my favorite months. Everything starts coming alive, our calendar fills up, the sun shines earlier and stays up later, and everyone is just in a better mood. This month I got a few things for our upcoming trip to Texas to visit my sister and her family, some new summer clothes for me and the girls, and some random kitchen stuff. I can’t believe this month is coming to a close already, but I am so excited for the kick off to summer and all the fun to come!

Floor mirror

The mirror of my dreams to fill the empty wall in our bedroom. We waited months for it to come after we got one that was shattered and then it was backordered. This time the delivery was great, and the mirror looks perfect!


Just a 30 something trying to be trendy.


Now that I have a million baby showers instead of wedding showers to go to, I can finally wear white dresses again!

Toddler pajamas

Tried and true amazon jams. The best. We have so many pairs of these and for days where they don’t want to change out of jammies, they look like baby lounge wear :)

Travel bed for toddlers/kids

We are going to visit my sister in Texas this week and got this for Maeve. Thought it would also be perfect for summer trips to the lake! There is definitely room to grow, too.

Stain remover

This stuff actually kind of freaks me out because it doesn’t make sense to me. It removes stains IMMEDIATELY. Like in front of your eyes when you spray it on. Red wine, coffee, berries, etc etc.

Half caff coffee

Nothing like a little heart arrthymia to scare you into drinking less caffeine. I found this on Amazon in a pinch and it is really good!


I thought these were perfect for “make your own” lunchables for the girls for picnics, stroller snacks, or car trips. We have the kid bento boxes, but these are much cheaper and easier to fit into the dishwasher.


Cheap, cute, great for boat rides or places you are scared of losing your sunglasses. Or if you are like me and forget to bring your sunglasses whenever it is most important, keep a cheap pair in each bag you reach for in the summer.

Puffy stickers

Maeve loves these and I ordered a few more for our flight this week.