New Things I Bought For My Second Baby

New Things I Bought For My Second Baby

  1. Mina Baie diaper bag: I wanted to invest in something that looks like a purse and can fit everything for two nuggets. Guys - it is SO good!

  2. Elvie pump: I used a medela with Maeve, but this time since I knew I would be chasing a toddler, I decided to get this pump. So far, so impressed! The fact that I can keep a toddler from scaling the furniture while pumping is a plus.

  3. Basket bassinet: We bought this to keep out in the living room so Marley can nap in there, safely out of reach of the pups and Maeve’s little hands. Our dock a tot fits in there and she loves this cozy spot!

  4. Nursing tanks: I saw these posted by a few other bloggers. They are cheap, but great material and super comfy.

  5. Robes: I got two new cozy robes (this one and this longer one) since I knew maternity leave in the winter, in the middle of a pandemic would mean comfies only.

  6. Kyte gowns: Say hello to easy middle of the night diaper changes! And they are sooo soft. Wish we would have had these with Maeve.

  7. Another Ollie swaddle: The best. The only thing that little Houdinis can’t bust out of!

  8. More Tubby Todd goodies: We have used all of these products since Maeve was a newborn and swear by them! We got more so we had enough for both girls. We use the shampoo/wash, all over ointment, and every day lotion.

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