Use These Household Items Instead Of Expensive Baby Equipment

Use These Household Items Instead Of Expensive Baby Equipment: From A Pediatric PT

Before becoming a parent, I am pretty sure that most people think to themselves “I don’t want my house taken over by baby toys.” Some people will tell you that is not possible, but I am here to tell you that it is totally possible. Will you have a lot of stuff for your baby or toddler? Absolutely. Can you limit the amount of huge things in your living room? Yes.

There are so many things around our house that work great as cheap, simple, multi-use baby “stuff”. Diapers and formula are expensive enough. You would be shocked at what your baby can be entertained by… think about it - everything in the world is brand new to them, so anything will be exciting. Something you have sitting around the house might be just as good as buying something every two months when they hit a new developmental stage.

What are things around my house that I can use in place of baby equipment?

Laundry basket

This is the perfect “container” for your baby to practice sitting. It is small enough to act as bumpers, but doesn’t do the work for your baby, and it has a firm flat base.

Use this in place of a bumbo seat or a sit-me-up.

Diaper box

We all have these laying around. The big boxes are perfect to use as a surface to pull to stand. Put it next to the couch and you will have surfaces to practice cruising back and forth.

Use this in place of a play table or exersaucer.

Couch cushions

Slide these off of your couch to work on reaching for toys in tummy time, hands and knees play time, and crawling on and off of surfaces.

Use this in place of a nugget couch.


Do not under estimate a blanket on the floor. This can replace so many things if you want to keep it simples. The best part is that it can go with you and baby wherever you go.

Use this in place of a changing pad or a play mat.

Here is access to a baby registry I created with simplicity in mind, with my knowledge as a pediatric physical therapist.

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