9 Tips For Traveling With A Toddler

9 Tips For Traveling With A Toddler

Whether you are flying with a toddler or driving with a toddler, there are no real tricks or “hacks.” Any way you look at it, traveling with young kids is HARD. But I have found a few things that keep our toddlers occupied and make it a little bit more enjoyable.

traveling with a toddler In the car:

  1. Keep each kid’s belongings/toys in a bag or basket within your reach by the foot of their carseat, so that toys and coloring books aren’t flying everywhere.

  2. Toys: coloring books and crayons, lego dots, magnetic puzzle, water wow, polly pocket, flap books, deck of cards

  3. Snacks: these snack containers and a bag of backup snacks up by you

  4. If your child gets carsick, a few things that have helped us are dramamine, this art smock to put on over the carseat straps (just incase), and keeping a roll of paper towels and a plastic bag somewhere in the car. 

traveling with a toddler

Flying with a toddler:

  1. Bring their carseat on the plane! This has worked so well for us because they can’t get out and roam, and you will need to bring a carseat for the ride from the airport to wherever you are staying. This way, if they are mad, at least they are contained and you aren’t wrestling them into their seat while they are mad.

  2. Wireless headphones and tonies or an ipad for movies: We typically don’t use an ipad in the car or when we are out and about, but an airplane is the perfect place to bust it out.

  3. Snacks: Again, you will want more snacks than you think you will need. A backup bag in your bag, along with this snack container should do the trick.

  4. Toys: window clings, beads and pipe cleaners (if they are old enough), tiny play dohs, sticky notes, triangular crayons (so they don’t roll) and coloring book, scratch art, magnetic blocks

  5. And then my last suggestion would be to get yourself a mimosa or a beer. Godspeed!

flying with toddler

Products we have and love:

Travel carseat and travel booster (for bigger kids)

Carseat Backpack

Umbrella stroller for airport

Here are a few ideas that I found that I will probably use in the future:
- Pipe cleaners into a water bottle or sprinkle container

- Duplo travel case

- Magnetic tangrams

Remember, there is always a destination and you will get there eventually. Usually the anticipation of a road trip or a flight is much worse than what actually happens. Taking your kids to new places is worth the travel mishaps!