7 Things That Made Me Feel Like Myself Again After Having Kids

self care for moms

7 Things That Made Me Feel Like Myself Again After Having Kids

In this stage of my life, I have two little kids that take up most of my energy and time, which doesn’t leave a lot of time for myself. It’s easy to lose yourself a little bit in the mess of early motherhood, but there are a few things that have helped me feel like myself again. None of these are rocket science, none of these take a ton of time, and all of these things have made me feel like me again.

  1. Walking every day, either outside or on the treadmill

    I love to move. It is a stress reliever for me. I prefer to go for walks or runs outside, but with a husband that works 24-48 hour shifts and freezing weather for about half the year, it is not always possible. 

    Enter the treadmill that changed my life (I’m serious). I sometimes go for a walk before the girls wake up, and sometimes after they go to sleep. It is time that I can spend in silence, or reading a book, or listening to a podcast.

  2. Reading at least one chapter of a book - even if it is 2 pages long

    I also love to read, but after kids, I never found the time. And when I did, I fell asleep so fast after picking up a book. So I just started reading a few pages every night before bed. And if it is a weekend, sometimes I read during nap time for a full hour. I take what I can get, but it makes my brain work in a different way. 

  3. Cooking dinner more often, usually after the girls bedtime

    The process of cooking dinner with tiny kids literally clinging to your legs is not enjoyable for anyone. So I started to really hate cooking. Until I started cooking after the babes’ bedtime with “evening acoustic” playing on the kitchen speaker with a glass of wine or a Topo Chico. Now I look forward to it. And if Maeve is still awake, she helps me cook, which is actually so sweet.

  4. Time spent with friends - this is so underestimated and you don’t know how much you need it until you are doing it.

    Every single time I carve out time for friends on our calendar, I realize I NEED to do this every week. It is live giving. So stop what you are doing right now and figure out a time to meet up with your friends this week. 

  5. Journaling to dump all the thoughts stuck in my head out on paper

    In the past few months, I have started to keep a notebook by my bed and as soon as I sit down, I write a few things: three things that excited me today, three things that exhausted me, and something I am grateful for. It takes me less than five minutes and forces me to reflect.

  6. Buy jeans or leggings that actually fit you, like right now.

    Why is it a thing to squeeze into old jeans or leggings? It really just makes you feel like shit and it is not comfy. Wait for a good sale or just pull the trigger and buy a pair of jeans that you have been eyeing that will feel good to you in this stage, whatever stage that is.

  7. Just go places that you want to go to, with your kids. Sometimes. Just to know it is a possibility. 

    Obviously I love a good solo grocery shop or coffee run, but once I started being more confident with trips out of the house with the girls, my world opened up. It is good for everyone’s head space to get out.