Gift Guide For Toddlers

best gifts for toddlers

The joy of Christmas and gift giving grows when you have young kids. I am so excited for this year, with Marley being two and Maeve being three. These ages are so fun to shop for and it is even more fun to see their little faces light up when they open their gifts. I included toys that we have and love, and things that are on the girls’ wish lists this year. Here are the best gifts for toddlers (and the gifts that you actually won’t mind playing with your toddlers).

The Best Gifts for Toddlers

Some of the most used toys in our house every day are the play kitchen, dollhouse, magnatiles, and tonies. The girls stay so busy playing with these and they are open ended, so they foster a lot of creative play.

Other favorites of ours are this magnetic box, reusable stickers that can cling to windows or these papers, and plus plus puzzle pieces. Melissa and Doug, whoever you are, I love you both.

This year the girls are both getting these slippers, this slide, and this giant water wow floor pad.

They are also getting these scribble scrubbies, since they love to color and play with water - best of both worlds.

I got some of these chunky paint sticks and play jewelry for stocking stuffers.

I also found a pretend Dyson hair dryer with accessories. It is made by the same company that makes the pretend Dyson vacuum for kids. So now Maeve will have a nicer hair dryer than me.

The last thing I got for this year is these little Disney Princess dolls with outfits that you can change them in and out of. A toddler’s dream.